
Hello all of my fellow lovers of all or most things geek/nerd, adorable kawaii stuff, and we’ll throw in some yummy food recipes and such. Or you may be a newcomer, either way, welcome! This is probably one of the only blogs where you will find a blend of all 3 above categories and possibly more! You can’t really put geek or nerd in a category, you can try, but there is so much to be geeky about! There’s Disney, Doctor Who, Marvel….you get my point, and that’s only 3 areas, my top 3 to be honest. Anyways, this blog is meant to be a glorious hodgepodge of all things awesome and I hope you enjoy either all or some of what I will put up 🙂 Feel free to send me great ideas of products to review or if you have any questions, click the contact link! Live long and prosper, may the force be with you, allonsy, geronimo, and good day!